Since my last post, I have kept with the yoga. I've actually successfully completed a yoga exercise everyday this week. And I must say, that while I definitely feel the burn, I can also see improvement. Even after just four "practices" (that's what a yoga session is apparently called), I can see that some parts are not as terrible as they were the day before (although some are still pretty awful). I'm able to hold positions for longer and even though I did have to modify some of the poses because of all the extra weight, I didn't give up. I was pouring sweat by the end and my whole body was jello. But I'll take it.
But I think I am going to have to work out in the morning instead of at night, because after each practice, I've had so much energy, I haven't been able to sleep. Granted, I've gone to work way into the night and had to sleep late into the morning after I take the boys to school, but I'm not sure that that is all it is.
Also, I haven't told anyone that I'm actively trying to get healthy and lose weight. Derek knows because he sees what I'm doing. He sees the better food choices I'm making. He knows about the yoga and pilates. He sees the gallons of water I'm drinking daily. Okay, probably not gallons, but A LOT. And I told him I am not telling anyone. He says that's probably smart and that I don't need the added pressure of anyone being there to see me fail. This way, I only have myself to answer to, and really, that should be the only one that matters at this point.
A few years ago, I started running. And although I did it religiously for about six months (and lost weight) and then sporadically since then, I never really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the "runner's high" that I would get after it was over, but I hated the actual running part. Yoga and pilates, on the other hand, I LOVE. I love how it's all about personal strength and stamina. I love the increase in flexibility. I love that it's pretty low impact. And I love the calm and peace I get from it. I get to block everything out and just focus on the position and breathing (and not falling over!). With running, I would typically just think about anything and everything (but the running) just to get my mind off of the miles. But with yoga, I have to be present in order just to get the pose right. It really makes me pay attention to my body and how it's working. I can definitely tell I'm going to be majorly sore tomorrow, but it's totally worth it.
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